Giant Group Makes Inaugural Entry into the DJSI Emerging Markets Index, Becoming the First in the Global Bicycle Industry to Achieve this Distinction.
S&P Dow Jones Indices announced the 2024 constituents of the Dow Jones SustainabilityIndices (DJSI) on December 16. Giant Group proudly joins the DJSI Emerging Markets Index,making it the very first company in the global bicycle industry to earn a place on thisprestigious list. This recognition underscores Giant Group’s exemplary performance across sustainability, environmental protection, social responsibility, and economic governance,setting a new standard for the international bicycle sector.
In the assessment results, Giant Group ranked within the top 6% of the leisure equipment and consumer electronics industry category for its combined environmental, social, and economic governance performance—far surpassing industry averages in multiple indicators. Notably,Giant Group’s climate strategy, product stewardship, and labor practices stood out well above the category’s average scores, with its climate strategy achieving the highest score in the category. Having already attained a 22.48% absolute carbon reduction in its Taiwan and China manufacturing facilities, Giant Group is progressing steadily toward the goal of a 25% reduction by 2030.
Introduced jointly by S&P Dow Jones Indices and RobecoSAM in 1999, the DJSI is the world’s first global benchmark for corporate sustainability investment. Thousands of companies worldwide are invited each year to participate in the Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA), which evaluates their economic, social, and environmental (ESG) capabilities. Only the top 10% of performers in each industry earn a spot as a DJSI constituent. Giant Group’s inclusion affirms that its ESG strategies and execution have reached world-class standards.
In recent years, driven by the “Cycling for a Better Future” vision, Giant Group has integrated ESG principles into core business operations—Innovating a clean future, Transforming for circularity, Mobilizing for DEI. The company also actively develops products made from sustainable materials and highlights its commitment to positive transformation and value redefinition through the “A Trail to Zero.” campaign. As Giant Group continues to expand its ESG impact, it aims to lead the industry’s sustainable transformation and collective advancement, establishing a new benchmark for long-term success within the global bicycle industry.